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2 Replies

 @9KCLMH4 from Massachusetts disagreed…3mos3MO

It's not a sacrifice they choose to make - the stats alone that animal testing does not prove useful in human efficacy, ON TOP of the fact that the animals are completely innocent and should not be being exploited, should be enough for anyone to agree animal testing needs to stop in all forms.

 @9GXT4L4  from Washington commented…2mos2MO

I agree on the basis that we shouldn't need animal testing for most things like cosmetics, food products, etc. Also the fact that testing on animals doesn't help our understanding of how it would affect humans as much as people might think. But in certain cases like developing vaccines, it may be necessary to test on animals. Because the only alternative would be testing on humans, since software just isn't advanced enough for that yet. While it definitely is cruel to the animals who did not and could not consent to being tested on, it would still be much worse if we enforced mandatory human testing. I love animals, but at the end of the day, a human life is more valuable than an animal life.

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