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If U.S. aid to Israel were conditioned on reducing civilian casualties, how might that change your view on the conflict?


It will make it put America in a better situation instead of ignoring what Israel is doing

 @9H8TJQG from Texas answered…7mos7MO

America should worry about itself, first and foremost, but it also shouldn't support the perpetrator of a genocide (Israel).

 @9H8XMZHRepublican from Utah answered…7mos7MO

I'd be in more support of going in and settling the chaos in any way necessary if I knew that innocent civilians were less likely to get seriously injured.

 @9H8VYWM from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

 @9H8ZXQ2 from New Mexico commented…7mos7MO

i believe strongly that U.S. aid should be conditional, and the conditions should be that humanitarian violations and collective punishment of the Palestinian people should come to an end. We are funding and providing weapons that are being used against innocent children and civilians.

 @9H8YC65 from Missouri commented…7mos7MO

israel is commiting a genocide in gaza, we should require them to stop bombing neighborhoods filled with innocent people

 @9H8Z7PZ from California commented…7mos7MO

I think the US should stop providing aid for Israel because in doing so, it is allowing Israel to kill thousands of innocent people in Palestine.

 @KangarooRodfrom Virginia commented…7mos7MO

Sadly the left wing, Progressive takeover of the Democratic party is nearing completion. Other countries weren't telling us what to do after September 11th, and October 7th for Israel was like 14 September 11th attacks at once, plus a territorial invasion and the taking of 8,000 hostages (on a per capita equivalent basis). Senators with no military experience shouldn't be telling Israel how to fight its wars when Israel proactively warns civilians to stay away from the battlefield and battles a cynical enemy who intentionally hides in hospitals, schools, and within the civilian population.

 @WingedFalconIndependent from Louisiana commented…7mos7MO

This isn’t Vietnam and Gaza isn’t a free fire zone. Nobody bombs indiscriminately these days….except for Hamas and Hezollah. Everyone else uses precise targeting…if only because bombs are expensive and they don’t have Iran to pay for them. Even Russia has targeting…..though they do target civilians. …just like their buddies in the Islamic world. So…people like Bernie just sound ignorant when they comment as they do. I guess it’s good for them that their constituents are equally ignorant in many cases.

 @AboardPublicPol1cy from Illinois commented…7mos7MO

The purpose is to warn Israel that it will risk losing U.S. support if it tries to complete its mission of toppling Hamas; and that Hamas-induced civilian casualties mean Israel can’t destroy Hamas’s terrorist capabilities.

Is that the emerging position of the Democratic Party?

 @Pe0plesPartySausageWorking Familyfrom Connecticut commented…7mos7MO

Why do Democrats support the baby burners?

 @AboardPublicPol1cy from Illinois commented…7mos7MO

Totally backwards. What international law is Israel violating? The right to self-defense? The laws against using human shields in war? That would be the government of Gaza violating international law. Etc, etc, ad infinitum re: Gaza's government.

 @9H97HYGPeace and Freedom from Colorado commented…7mos7MO

I am not so sure if we should be involved in the conflict right now or yet.


Should the U.S. hold Israel to the same standards and conditions as it does other allies when it comes to receiving aid?

 @9H8RV4Yfrom Maine answered…7mos7MO

 @9H8RSVR from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Civilian casualties should be avoided if they can be and we should provide aid to those who are not fighting and are following international law.


 @9H92W2X from Tennessee commented…7mos7MO

Hamas is to blame for this entire ordeal. They are the ones who invaded Israel, they are the ones who hide behind their women, they are the ones that cause terror and killing while Israel strives to remove them at all costs. As is justifiable given they have just had their country ravaged and terrorized.

 @9H8QLD3Progressive from Florida commented…7mos7MO

I think that the U.S should keep aid to a minimum and focus on domestic issues

 @9H995ZH from California commented…7mos7MO

Innocent Palestinians are being mass murdered, this is not war, this is genocide. The U.S. should be supporting Palestine, or at least be attempting to stop the havoc of thousands of innocent people, including children, being bombed to death.

 @9H9DJ8NProgressive from Arizona commented…7mos7MO

What Israel is doing is wrong and innocent Palestinians are being killed. However, Israeli citizens also shouldn’t have to live in fear of terrorism.

 @9H957N4 from New Mexico commented…7mos7MO

 @9H92FXK from California commented…7mos7MO

Israel needs this aid currently and Israel should keep aid until the issue is resolved and even than keep the aid

 @9H9CHJQ from California commented…7mos7MO

The U.S. should place conditions on its aid and should only help innocent civilians because the Israel government is just committing a genocide on Palestine which is not okay.

 @9H9MNYG from New Jersey commented…7mos7MO

Invading Gaza is practically a bad idea and morally wrong. If Israel destroys Gaza, they will
inevitably punish the majority innocent people who wren't on board
with Hamas. Hamas will probably tell their citizens that Israel invaded them for no reasno, and generations
of terrorists with bitter memories of being invaded by Israel will
be born. The invasion is also morally wrong, as such an invasion
punishes so many innocent people. Here
in America, our justice system is set up sov that punishing an innocent for
something they didn't do is as difficult as possible, and we should
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 @BslksdisLibertarian from Missouri commented…7mos7MO

I think we already provide enough aid to foreign countries as it is, but regardless, I don’t think a country should dictate how other countries go about fighting their own wars.

 @9H9G4GXPeace and Freedom from California commented…7mos7MO

U.S should help the ones who are struggling, those who are not allowed to have freedom in their own land. If the U.S is all about freedom why can't they help palestine.

 @9H9FMQV from Texas commented…7mos7MO

I believe that we should at least help with providing essentials for the people of Israel as well as military personals.

 @9H9FDSR from Texas commented…7mos7MO

I think it's best to support your own country as much as possible But if another country is in trouble, then other people from another country, and that specific country, need to come together.

 @9H9FDK2 from Ohio commented…7mos7MO

The USA should not involve itself in yet another foreign conflict when we have enough domestic problems going on as it is

 @9H98VJHIndependent from Florida commented…7mos7MO


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