Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Yes, you can be patriotic but still disagree with something since not every policy done or given is correct.

 @9H8RSVR from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Yes, you can be very patriotic and still not agree with some national policies just like you can have have a best friend and not agree with them all the time.

 @9H8QNW7 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

Yeah. People WANT a free country. It's what we are fighting for, it's what we do not get.

 @9H8R67Q from Iowa answered…7mos7MO

In certain contexts when someone talks in defence of their countryagainst what these policies could mean. If it means harm it is every citizens duty to defend his or her nation, especially against the government.


It is possible because at the end of the day, patriotic citizens disagreeing with other national policies because if they don't like their own, it is less likely they will find liking to other nations.

 @9H8ST6S from Washington D.C. answered…7mos7MO

The most patriotic action one can take is to want better for one's nation. Disagreeing with national policies for the betterment of everyone is incredibly patriotic and promotes democracy.