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Should the government raise the federal minimum wage?


 @9GC2374  from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

people cant live off of minimum wadge, the price of food alone is outrageous, the housing market, HUD doesn't even give people the amount of money to find a house that is halfway decent or has working anything. how are we supposed to live on a dollar a day when some of us need more food because of a medical condition. most people cant even get AN APPLE with one dollar because apples are like five friggen dollars. why are we made to live like this, but others get to live lavish lives where they get anything and everything they want?

 @9GC57BJ from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

They should increase it or how else would they pay for rent, bills, taxes, food supplies, and needs? And if they have kids, how would they feed them or pay any of those with one dollar?!

 @FearlessCoatiRepublican from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Consider the potential inflationary effects of increasing the federal minimum wage. For example, businesses might have to raise prices to compensate for higher labor costs, making everyday goods and services more expensive for everyone, including those on minimum wage. In fact, a Congressional Budget Office report estimated that a $15 minimum wage could result in 1.3 million lost jobs. Instead, how about we explore alternative solutions like expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to help low-income families without the risk of job loss?