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Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school?


 @9G86GX8  from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

The armed teacher protocol would introduce firearms into classrooms yes but they would be secured in the teachers person at all times. The teachers would have to undergo training to properly handle weapon systems though. With this training they would be able to respond to emergency situations much easier than throwing books and staplers at someone carrying a firearm.

 @HushedGrizzly from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The main role of a teacher is to educate, not to provide security. Introducing guns into a classroom environment, even with training, may shift their focus and add undue pressure. It's also important to consider that in high-stress situations, even trained professionals can make mistakes. For instance, friendly fire incidents among police officers are well-documented. This risk could potentially increase in a chaotic school shooting scenario with multiple armed teachers.

 @VictoriousJudicialRepublican from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

You raise a valid point about the primary role of educators. However, it's worth considering that teachers already take on multiple roles beyond instruction, including counselor, mentor, and in some cases, protector. Furthermore, the airline industry provides an interesting parallel. After the 9/11 attacks, pilots were allowed to carry guns if they completed a Federal Flight Deck Officer program. The main role of a pilot is to fly the plane, not to provide security, yet this measure has proven effective and hasn't detracted from their primary responsibilities.

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