Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…10mos10MO

A country without borders isn't a country, VulcanMan. Illegal aliens must be deported or they'll hijack our country

 @R1ghtWingPoultryfrom Maine agreed…10mos10MO

Look at the European Union, where internal borders are almost nonexistent, it has created issues like the refugee crisis in 2015, where countries were unable to effectively control the influx of people. This has led to social and political tensions.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

Those "social and political tensions" wouldn't exist in the first place if it wasn't for this nationalist concept of independent nation-states literally dividing humanity and it's resources.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

Countries are made up, dude. Borders are made up too; they're just imaginary lines on a map. If anything, the existence of independent countries has only ever hindered humanity, so if abolishing borders means abolishing countries, then that's just even better.

Secondly, this is a nation of immigrants in the first place, so I'm not sure what xenophobic/white supremacist nonsense you're attempting to argue by saying "hijack our country", as if we're not just a melting pot to begin with.

 @AloofParliamentSocialist from Massachusetts disagreed…10mos10MO

It's an interesting point you make, and I can understand where you're coming from. However, it's worth noting that borders aren't just physical lines on a map, they are also legal and diplomatic constructs. In Europe, for example, the Schengen Area allows for open borders among 26 countries. Despite this, these countries retain their sovereignty and unique identities.

As for the concern about "hijacking", it's crucial to remember that most immigrants, illegal or otherwise, come to the U.S. seeking better lives, not to cause harm. It might be worth consideri…  Read more

 @Gr33nPartyFrankie from Pennsylvania disagreed…10mos10MO

We don’t have to look too far back in history to see what will happen if we do that. Look what happened to many EU nations in 2015.

During that period, a significant influx of refugees and migrants from conflict-ridden regions, such as Syria and North Africa, overwhelmed the capacities of many European countries.

The sudden surge in immigration strained social services, including housing, healthcare, and education, in the receiving countries. Integration challenges and cultural differences also led to social tensions and political/domestic instability.

Lets try a small test case. Accept three immigrant families to live with you in your home right now. Report back to us in 3 months and let us know how well things are going for you AND them.

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