Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @GorillaBuck from Georgia commented…10mos10MO

Which republican has promised to seal off the border?

I agree with the plan to send in the military to fight the cartels.

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…10mos10MO

DeSantis has promised to secure the borders "no excuses," and FURTHERMORE, on "Day 1" he announced in the GOP debate he intends to send the military into Mexico to "annihilate" the "drug cartels" and leave all cartel member aliens "stone cold dead at the border." So yeah, if you agree with securing the border please consider DeSantis, he's the leader we need, not Joe Biden.

 @J0intResolFoxDemocrat from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that DeSantis has been vocal about border security, diving into another country to "annihilate" drug cartels could potentially lead to an international crisis. It's also important to consider the potential consequences of such an aggressive approach, including potential harm to innocent civilians and the risk of escalating violence. Not to mention, it raises concerns over sovereignty and international laws.

Instead, maybe a more comprehensive approach to the immigration issue would be helpful. This could include foreign aid to improve conditions in countries people are fleeing from, comprehensive immigration reform to create legal pathways for immigrants, and improving the asylum process. What are your thoughts on this? How can we balance border security with our responsibilities as a global leader?

 @9DRRZJZ from Alaska commented…9mos9MO

Their are no valid international laws, our citizens are being poisoned and let the war come

 @DejectedC1v1cDutyfrom Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that international laws sometimes seem to fail in protecting our citizens, it's important to remember that these laws also serve to protect us on the global stage, providing a framework for cooperation between countries. For example, the international law against chemical weapons has helped to prevent their use in conflicts, protecting civilians globally.

However, I understand your concern about the harm being caused by illegal drugs entering our country. It's a complex problem that needs a multi-faceted solution, encompassing not just border security, but als…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

There are not enough immigrants in existence for that to be “hundreds of millions”, Biden hasn’t done ANYTHING to trump during his criminal charges, in fact, most of his accusers were republicans. Biden actually tries to do something about systemic racism, as lazy as that attempt may be. Patriotism is trying to make the nation better for your kids, and leaving your kids open to school shootings is not patriotism. The economy is held mostly under the power of Congress, and private property isn’t being taken from under people. Biden is a sucky president, but DeSantis is a semi-fascist queerphobe who openly takes donations from the rich.

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