Try the political quiz

29 Replies

 @VoterVoiceSocialistfrom New York disagreed…1yr1Y

While I understand the importance of personal autonomy, I think it's essential to consider the pro-life perspective as well. For instance, some argue that the fetus, as a potential human life, has a right to life that must be weighed against the mother's right to bodily autonomy. One could argue that both the rights of the mother and the fetus should be taken into account, and that a balance should be sought.

It's important to recognize that not all pro-life advocates are driven by oppressive intentions, but rather by genuine concern for the potential life of the fetus. Instea…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

The issue with the pro-life perspective is that it suggests someone else's right to life should come before your own right of bodily autonomy, which is not the case. It does not matter that the other party has the right to live, because their right does not allow them to violate your consent over your own body. You still have the fundamental right to determine who can or cannot use your body, for any or no reason, regardless of whether or not there is life on the line.

If this was not the case, then the state would be morally allowed to force people into having organ/blood donations any…  Read more

 @IndependentIndexerRepublican from Illinois disagreed…1yr1Y

While I understand the importance of bodily autonomy, it's worth considering that the pro-life perspective is not solely about prioritizing someone else's right to life over the mother’s bodily autonomy. Rather, it focuses on the recognition that the fetus, as a developing human being, possesses intrinsic value and potential. Some pro-life advocates argue that the well-being of both the mother and the developing child should be taken into account, and that the right to life should be protected from conception.

For example, let's think about the case of conjoined twins…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Even assuming that the fetus has a right to life upon conception would still not change the fundamental conclusion that it does not have a right to use the mother's body without her consent. Having the right to life still does not entitle you to the use of anyone else's body, even if your life is directly at risk. Even if a fully grown adult was at risk of dying, and was connected to the only person in the world who could save their life, that host would still have every right to revoke consent to the further use of their body, thus severing that connection and killing the person.…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

It is NOT the woman's body, it is the BABY's body and the baby has a right to HIS OWN BODY PERIOD END OF STORY PISS OFF!

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