Try the political quiz

24 Replies

 @9FVLQGX from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

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My best counter argument would be that using military on Mexican drug cartels would just make the situation worse

 @9G35DZN  from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The Republicans somehow always talk about “we need to focus on America” yet want to be involved in Mexico’s business, all because they know, if they just point and say “look! At all those scary brown people” that their voter base will do whatever they say.

We need to stay outta Mexico’s business and actually focus on helping those migrates, that bravely go through barbed wire, men on horses with whips, all to give themselves and their children a better life.

We praise pilgrims from coming in on ships, illegally, and killing millions of the true original Americans, but when an innocent family of four, legally, approach the border, for citizenship, we call them drug dealers and criminals?

Sounds about white 👀

 @9G3MZX8Republican from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

I am not white, but I am a strong advocate for equality. When I came to the United States of America, I had to go through the legal system and wait for years to obtain a visa. I believe it is unfair that some foreigners can enter the country illegally without going through the proper process. The issue at hand is that illegal entry is being justified by using the history of natives and white Americans to bully the system. America does not deny any foreigners their American dreams, but we all must follow the legal process, plain and simple.

 @9G3MZX8Republican from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

I am not white, but I am a strong advocate for equality. When I came to the United States of America, I had to go through the legal system and wait for years to obtain a visa. I believe it is unfair that some foreigners can enter the country illegally without going through the proper process. The issue at hand is that illegal entry is being justified by using the history of natives and white Americans to bully the system. America does not deny any foreigners their American dreams, but we all must follow the legal process, plain and simple.

 @9FP2QVS from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The borders are the responsibility of both nations, so the border is also a concern of the United States.

 @9FWQ276 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The U.S government should only be able to conduct operations from within the country. If they operate from other countries, they will bring conflicts and other countries will take action against them. The best way would be for Americans to stop the demand for drugs and for the exportation and trafficking of weapons across borders.

 @9FW26VC from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Violence continues to rage more than a decade after the Mexican government launched a war against drug cartels.

 @9FR72HN from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

If you believe government spending is out of control, military operations on American soil are prohibitively expensive and will be ineffective and will only serve to harm the image of the United States internationally, potentially scaring allies and trade partners at a time when that would be an unforced error. If you want to decrease the power of Mexican Drug Cartels, fund education initiatives to teach Americans the dangers of opioid addition, destigmatize opioid addiction, provide compassion and healthcare and help to opioid addicts, legalize marijuana across the whole United States, and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law using the DEA and ATF as law enforcement, not the US military which is using a hammer to try to turn a screw.

 @9FJDJGQ from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Violence continues to rage more than a decade after the Mexican government launched a war against drug cartels.

 @9FMR87D from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Impractical because too difficult/complex to determine what activity constitutes "cartel activity" within the US

 @9FTP7VZ from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Citizens have autonomous rights and should be allowed to do with their body's as they please. The drug war was a disguise for blatant governmental racism. We need to educate the public on substances and allow them to experiment on their own, the cartels are only an issue because of the black market, remove the legal restrictions on drugs and the cartels, (who have moved away from drug trafficking and moved twords being armed guards for traffickers), will no longer be an issue.

 @9FT9HDX from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

See my opinions on foreign affairs. And this question is moot anyway, considering that cartels only exist because of our drug market in the wake of illegalization..

 @9FT4H33 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If it's outside our borders then we aren't be g affected by it, it's not our fight so leave it alone.

 @9FRWK58 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The Mexican Drug Cartels would just act like the Afghans who would retaliate constantly against the U.S. troops who were based in Afghanistan.

 @9FRT797 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

if it passes into American then fine, but to mess with another countries business when not asked to help is just setting yourself up for failure and a potential war.

 @9FND7V7 from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

We don’t need to spend money outside our country at this point in time. Many American needs funds including disabled, vets, low income, children etc

 @9FJFF7F from California disagreed…8mos8MO

No, because if America didn't want the trade and selling of drugs on their soil they'd stop any and all trafficking and commission of drugs coming into their border.

 @9FGS26L from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

As I said before, they are committing crimes on US Soil, aren’t U.S. Citizens, and are causing the deaths of people from drug related issues which they wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the cartels smuggling the drugs into the U.S.

 @9FZ67JFIndependent from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

The U.S.A would spend a lot of money trying to stop the cartel and since it is such a big operation, it would take years to protect what's within our borders.

 @9GKBC9Q from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

If american's always say that they need to focus on America, stick to that. Mexico is none of your business so stop butting into business that aren't yours.

 @9FRN9FNDemocrat from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

they should not be allowed to enter with out permission from mexico because they can not just invade them without permission

 @9F8QM4RIndependent from New Jersey agreed…9mos9MO

If the influx is stopped at the root inside our territory, both international law and law protects the operations and stops the smuggling and goods.

 @9FVCW6K from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

It is best to take care of something before it spreads to your country even if it is in another country.


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