Try the political quiz

330 Replies


How do you think your day-to-day life would change if your country became more isolated from the rest of the world?

 @9JLTC45 from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

Globally it would calm down across the board because many of the issues we deal with today were unresolved issues set in motion by our own government. Here things would improve because the funds we use to resolve all of these foreign conflicts that we started could be better spent domestically.

 @9JLW5DH from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

Do not start endless wars or get involved in them but if an ally is being attacked give them full military support

 @9JLTCX6  from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Would be better as governmental spending would be more focused on our own affairs

 @9JPYZNS from Michigan disagreed…4mos4MO

If our country was more isolated we probably wouldn't be able to see other parts of the world and people from other countries wouldn't be able to come here.

 @9JLWCPS from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

It would be worse because America doesn’t produce sufficient resources that are used by the people to isolate from other countries.

 @9JLVFBRRepublican from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

Yes. If America were to isolate itself from the rest of the world we would have to turn to our own resources to provide for the nation. That would include expanding certain industries which might also increase job opportunities.


How might the experience of immigrants in your community shape your views on a country's sovereignty and borders?


This helps me recognize that humans need to be treated equally in our community compared to my country's sovereignty. Ultimately, It is important to equally treat our community within humanity.

 @9LFQLQZ from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

people who are sovereigntism are either going to accept them or deny them

 @9LFR2LR from California answered…2mos2MO

In shapes it because people dont see their pov until they get to experience it or hear about it


I say that borders should be able to allow immigrants to get through if they apply for US citizenship and pay for a cheaper price.


Would you prefer your school's rules be set by students or by an external board, and why might a country feel the same?

 @9L92L3JPeace and Freedom from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

Set by a board. Students, specifically teenagers and young children, don't understand what's the best for them in a school setting.


Especially through high school, even teens can realize what skills they lack and what they need to be successful in the future.

 @9L9WRDHProgressive from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I believe that students should be strongly considers in the decision making when it comes to their educational environment.

 @9L92XTS from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

An external board because there would be more of a struggle for consensus among student-created rules. Adults also have the added benefit of life experience, however this should not discredit the struggles and needs of modern generations. Appointing a male and female senior high student in each graduating class would allow youth concerns to be heard and considered while ultimately putting the responsibility of both successful and unsuccessful decisions on the external adult board.


Do you feel more connected to your local community or the global society, and why does that matter to you?

 @9JLT45P from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

I feel more connected to my local community because I know people. This matters to me because connections are important.

 @9JLSQ4RIndependent from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

Being connected locally gives a sense of community, but global ties are great for broader perspectives.

 @9JLSPR7Republican from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

My local community, yes global society matters. However I think the local community plays a bigger part in your everyday life than global society.


Would you be willing to sacrifice certain technological advancements if it meant your country could remain more independent?

 @9HFZW3FRepublican from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Not all technological advancements are necessarily helpful and some can actually be dangerous. Some technologies should be sacrificed to remain independent.

 @9HFZR68 from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

Yes. Technology has been great but there are also things such as weapons, that its been harmful more than helpful.


When has your life been affected by a rule or law that didn't seem to consider your individual needs?

 @9HTW75B from North Dakota commented…5mos5MO

When they started forcing me to pretend a man was a woman or vice versa. Not all lgbtq, I like gay people because that doesn’t interfere with my life. But when they say I have to start using pronouns and living a lie, count me out. That’s not fair to me. I don’t require anyone to do anything special for me. No one deserves that so called “right”. All fine and dandy until a 60 year old man “identifies” as a 16 year old boy to get with an actual 16 year old girl. You can’t magically change your age, just like you can’t magically change your gender.
-As stated by the man, the myth, THE Ben Shapiro.


How might the culture and identity of your own community be preserved or changed if decisions were made by external organizations?

 @9HDKR6WRepublican from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

as a christian I believe we should let God the only Father take care of that for he has a plan

 @9HDKLXXProgressive from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

My community, the Black community has disproportionately been underrepresented and unheard by the government, so I'm very resistant to anybody but us speaking for us.


How does it feel to know your everyday choices could be influenced by distant lawmakers you didn't elect?


How might your choice of local versus global brands reflect a sense of sovereignty in everyday life?

 @9KS9G49Socialist from California answered…3mos3MO

My choice of local versus global brands reflects of a sense of sovereignty in everyday life by picking things that would rather benefit me rather than the community.

 @9KS9BJJ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Choosing local brands rather than large corporations can reflect sovereignty, as it can be an example of nationalism.


How do you think globalization affects a nation's sovereignty and should nations resist this influence?

 @9H6TJ3K from California answered…7mos7MO

If this is referring to trade and border policy, no. If this is discussing changing the way a government is run to be influenced by other countries, yes, as this would no longer reflect the needs of the citizens.


What if the sports you play or the music you enjoy had to conform to international standards; would that be acceptable to you?

 @9KJ3T5G from New Jersey answered…3mos3MO

No because how certain sports are played are how they get plated in other places.

 @9KJ3KGQ from California answered…3mos3MO

I think there isn't "one right way" to live life so I think people should be free to at least listen to and play what sports they want.


If a foreign entity decided what sports could be played in your community, how would you respond?

 @9LCLJH3 from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

 @9LCLFD2Independent from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I would respopnd well because this is my community why would they have a choice in what is allowed.


How does your favorite family tradition shape your understanding of why a country might value its independence?

 @9L9DMQ3  from Texas answered…2mos2MO

 @9L9DJM6 from New York answered…2mos2MO

My favorite family tradition, celebrating our cultural heritage through annual gatherings and rituals, instills a deep appreciation for preserving identity and autonomy. Similarly, a country's commitment to sovereignty often stems from the desire to safeguard its unique history, culture, and governance from external influence, ensuring the preservation of its national identity.


What local festival or celebration in your town could be impacted by outside influence, and how would that affect you?

 @9LDZ58R from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

it would affect me a great deal since people of my race have already been through this

 @9LDYYZX from California answered…2mos2MO

I feel like a lot of community service programs may abuse and control those certain rights


How would you feel if a foreign language was made mandatory in your school because of an international agreement?


I would be upset because I feel students should be able to pick which classes they want.

 @9L8ZVT6 from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

I think it would make us divided because a lot of us wouldnt want to learn a new language in a country that has english as the main language


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