Try the political quiz

66 Replies

 @8PRSDMFRepublican from Texas commented…4yrs4Y

I know Trump does not reside with the KKK because he has denounced them on multiple occasions and declared them a terrorist organization

 @8P6JQKXRepublican from Indiana commented…4yrs4Y

I highly disagree but in any other way BLM was founded by Some racist against whites. Does that sound right to you?

 @8Q497F9 from California commented…3yrs3Y

Lets step back a moment. There are 3 founders of the Black Lives Matters Moment. 1st of the 3 is Alicia Garza. She has said that white people can improve she also married a half white man. Next is Opal Tometi, she talks about how a lot of internalized racism in white people. That isn't racism it's education. Last is Patrisse Cullors, who actually urged white people to stand with her. None of these women are racist in any way, you need to fact check.

 @92MBXT4 from South Carolina commented…2yrs2Y

BLM owners now live in multi-million dollar mansions in WHITE neighborhoods paid for by gullable companies who contriubted to their cause. BLM is clamoring to defund the police, and released criminals which increased crime and violence in black neighborhoods. If those three are not racist, they are hippocrites at least and race hustlers at best.

 @8VC2Q88Democrat from Virginia agreed…3yrs3Y

BLM was founded by Some racist against whites. Does that sound right to you?

Honestly, I am for ending racism, but I do NOT trust BLM for that same reason.

 @8P6VJ7S from California disagreed…4yrs4Y

Joe Biden has said he regrets signing the 1994 crime bill.

Biden is absolutely a racist based off of the things he has said and done over the course of his entire political career. If any other candidate said a single one of his slip ups their campaign would go up in flames before they walked offstage. Please don't act like the pathetic half assed "I wish things were different" was any actual admission of guilt or regret. He is a law and order republican in all but name.

 @8SLFWD5 from Hawaii commented…3yrs3Y

I’m from Hawaii and I really think this country is crap. Please America stop with the fighting and figure out how to stop democrats lying and stop republicans Fighting. I’ve had enough and It will all end when the lord comes. I’m moderate Republican, Raised In a Christian/Hawaiian/ Hispanic Family with much diversity and much knowledge about Christianity.

 @92MBXT4 from South Carolina commented…2yrs2Y

You are also very young. Our country is not crap, and yes no one gets out alive. There is zero emperical evidence that diversity makes us stronger, and much to the contrary. If diversity would make things better please explain the difference in GDP and civics between Japan and India?

  @9nlm4vr13from Massachusetts disagreed…6 days6D

 @96TNHHY from Georgia commented…2yrs2Y

just because someone agrees with something back then and states they dont agree with it anymore doesnt mean anything. it is possible he still has those thoughts, his actions can prove it too


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