Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9FVZTPGWomen’s Equality from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

No, drilling should not happen. The government has already put our world at too much risk of ending earlier than it should. Keep Alaska clean please.

 @9F6THCZ from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

It isn't good for the wildlife whatsoever to be drilling oil in Alaska, and we've already stripped so many other places of their natural resources. It needs to be done in order to help keep the Earth as a healthier place.

 @9FJ6QG9from Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

We already have other replacements and not only does it hurt the environment , but it also isn’t necessary.

 @9F83MSSRepublican from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

No drilling should not be alowed bc a lot of the fish would die and we get most of our sea food from alaska

 @9F76GQZ from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Alaska Wildlife Refuge not only accounts for onland animals, but most of the fish and seafood we get in the US comes from Alaska

 @9D5VKH6 from Alaska commented…10mos10MO

More sea life & wildlife are affected by spills when shipping crude oil in ships across the oceans, it also takes even more oil to power the ships engines..... Add to that the $$$ cost of buying oil from other countries & being dependent on them can hurt us politically.

OR we can just drill our own, transport thru much safer pipelines overland (which has a very low rate of environmental impact overall) & be energy independent like we used to be!!

As a 30+ yr Alaskan resident, I've seen firsthand how little the pipeline impacts the environment!

Anyone who says shipping is safer for the environment is LYING TO YOU.

 @98KRW8JPeace and Freedom from Colorado commented…1yr1Y

no, they should not it would result in damage to a wildlife refuge and there are much better places to get oil from.


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