Try the political quiz

368 Replies


Imagine a day in your life when your contributions are measured by their societal impact rather than monetary value; what would you do differently?

 @9KCPHH3 from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

Volunteer constantly, work for organizations that better people.

 @9KDXL54 from California agreed…3mos3MO

If the goal is to have a societal impact and better people, volunteering allows for direct help to individuals who need it.

 @9KDW8QP from Colorado agreed…3mos3MO

if my contributions were based on my societal impact, I would be more motivated to do more because I can see the ways my actions affect others. As opposed to working for money only and seeing no direct return to the community.

 @7GP32QVRepublican  from California answered…3mos3MO

I would flee the country ASAP to live in a freer society with free enterprise like the USA. In a Marxist-Leninist society, there is no free-market capitalism and no right to private property.

 @9KCPJ6V from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @9KCP69L from California answered…3mos3MO

I would stop focusing on how to make money and focus on how to impact my community positively.


If there were no private businesses, how do you imagine innovation would take place in technology or services?

 @9JQ9XQL from California answered…4mos4MO

With no restrictions, I believe that the removal of patients would allow more expression

 @9JRF296  from Kansas disagreed…4mos4MO

If "patients" is supposed to say "patents," then I think it would have the exact opposite effect. Instead of attempting to discover and invent new things, many corporations would simply steal other people's designs. Fewer people would be expressing themselves by being creative, and more would stick to what works.

 @9JQ9Y6N from Michigan answered…4mos4MO


It more or less really wouldn't unless in times of war or dire necessity


What does being 'rich' or 'poor' mean to you, and how would these concepts change in a classless society?

 @9KD8NYVIndependent from Texas answered…3mos3MO

To be rich is to have monetary wealth that allows for one to live above the average standard. A rich person can easily afford optional and unnecessary luxuries, on top of having their necessities met. Meanwhile, to be poor is to have extremely little monetary wealth, living just below the average standard. A poor person can barely afford their basic necessities if at all.

 @9KD8C62 from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

Rich have money, and the poor don't. In a classless society, these concepts still would reside, for as long as someone has more money than someone, that person will still hold the leash.


They don’t mean anything to me because people is human all people is human

 @9KD84XT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

To be rich is to be privileged whether it is gained from oneself or not. To be poor is not to be without privileged but to have less to offer. I believe we would still have classes in our society, just without labels.


How would your aspirations be influenced if your career success did not depend on competitive advantages?

 @9LDXTL3 from Washington answered…2mos2MO

I do not care about career success, i do work because I want to be happy and to help my community

 @9LFNDV3 from Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

I care about career success because I want to be paid for the hard work that I do. Others should not benefit from my services unless I am first or my benefits are greater than theirs.

 @9LDXQ6W from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

I would want to help as many people as a could so that everyone is healthy and living well so i can have fun with people

 @9LDY6ZM from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

In the context of Marxism-Leninism, where the ideology emphasizes collective ownership of resources and the abolition of class-based competition, the influence on individual aspirations regarding career success would likely shift away from traditional notions of competitive advantages and toward broader societal goals and communal well-being.

 @9LDXYT3 from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

I'd probably enjoy my aspirations more because I wouldn't be comparing myself to others as much


How might the experience of playing team sports at school change if all players were valued equally, regardless of skill?

 @9LFRDTJ from Tennessee answered…2mos2MO

There would be no point in professional sports if everyone played the same.


The teams would become much worse and no one would be motivated to get better.

 @9LFR3JZ from California answered…2mos2MO

It would be a great feeling because I believe more people are going to feel much more accomplished and feel great that they are acknoledging them.


If you could shape a government that truly represents all citizens, what would be your first action?


To have everone read and understand our constitution and the amendments as well as bill of rights

 @9KHQYS7 from Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

It's better to educate everyone, because not everyone understands the constitution or its rights it holds and some people may even fear it because they have a wrong viewing on it.

 @9KD7QN3Independent from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

My first action would be to go from state to state and determine key issues that need to be changed.

 @9KH7NZDfrom Maine agreed…3mos3MO

The political systems of the different states is difficult enough to ensure we need to individualize solutions

 @9KD7XK5 from Texas answered…3mos3MO


If personal property didn't exist, how do you think it would affect your sense of privacy and personal space?

 @9KZ4PFRRepublican from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

I think that you would not have any privacy or personal space because there would be no rules against people coming onto your property or invading your space.

 @9KZ4BRR from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

 @9KZ4B93 from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO


Would the elimination of class systems enhance or diminish our sense of community?

 @9HJ4Z4D  from Florida answered…6mos6MO

Yes, class systems do nothing to benefit us only isolate us from eachother. With class systems, the poor cannot participate in society and most of the wealth would be owned by selfish entrepreneurs that exploit the working class.

 @9HGMWVBProgressive  from Texas answered…6mos6MO

diminish because people wouldn’t know where they belong in society there has to be some sort of class separation in order for society to carry out as normal


What would motivate you to work if everyone's needs were equally met regardless of their job?

 @9HGMFDB from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

Decent pay where I wouldn't have to worry about how I was going to take care of myself.

 @9HGM84N from Texas answered…6mos6MO

people would not work. you should get the benefits of the work you put in and not rely on someone else to take care of you.

 @9HGMKPG from Texas answered…6mos6MO

The love and passion I have for the job j sent I think this should be the main reason for working we should not be forced to obtain jobs we don't enjoy just because they pay more


What dreams would you pursue if your basic financial needs were already met by society?

 @9KCCV29 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I would just buy land and live peacefully as the "American Dream" used to be

 @9KFJSXG from Ohio agreed…3mos3MO

With government regulations, it is near impossible to be able to just make a house in where you want.

 @9KCDM9G from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KCD7D3 from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

to improve my standing in a way entirely contrary to the Marxist theory


Do you think true equality is achievable, and how might it affect ambition and innovation?


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