Try the political quiz

211 Replies


How do you think future jobs will be affected by a shift towards more sustainable practices?

 @9J5BJ76 from California answered…5mos5MO

we should uphold the health of our earth as best as we can by making eco-friendly laws and regulations

 @9J5BDJL from California answered…5mos5MO

I think jobs would be affected, but I think it's needed considering how bad our morality is as a nation

 @9J5B7J8 from California answered…5mos5MO

I think people might lose their jobs if they are not benefiting our ecosystem.


What would your ideal sustainable city or community look like?

 @9HZFNXZ from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

I am a big believer in sustainability in communities and cities. Different energy producers in the area, designated garbage cans, compost bins, and etc. I believe helping our Earth in all these different ways can give us as humans a more sustainable life for our planets future.

 @9HZDLJX from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

A net zero of pollutants with clean energy, regulated factories, etc.

 @9HZMVVB from Oklahoma agreed…5mos5MO

The concept of sustainability itself requires the eradication of pollutants and nonrenewable energy to be effective.

 @9HZLR5L from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZTFB2 from California answered…5mos5MO

one where there no clash against each other no crazy crime and or bad leadership. a place where everyone is just good to one another


If you could redesign the education system, how would you incorporate lessons on sustainability and social justice?

 @9HLRNBX from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

I would increase the incorporate lessons on sustainability and social justice by putting those lessons into classes that the students take and the lessons would be introduced when the teachers are teaching a lesson that is in relevence to the lesson of Eco-Socialism.

 @9HLRN96 from New York answered…6mos6MO

I would incorporate more lesssons on whats currently going on in the world.

 @9HLRM25Democrat from Ohio answered…6mos6MO


If you could volunteer for an eco-friendly cause, what would it be and why?

 @9HZFDZSfrom Guam answered…5mos5MO

I'll be happy to help you find an eco-friendly cause to volunteer for! There are many options to choose from, such as participating in beach cleanups to protect marine ecosystems, joining reforestation projects to restore forest habitats, or getting involved in community gardening initiatives to promote sustainable food production. It really depends on what aspect of the environment we are most passionate about.

 @9HZF946  from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

I would volunteer to educate individuals about the benefit and importance of Nuclear Energy as a renewable energy source. Many people are taught false information and they take it face on. Generations of people are living blind to the benefits of this green energy source that is highly renewable, heavily researched, and increasingly reliable.


Can you imagine a world where profit doesn't drive business decisions, but instead, environmental and social well-being do?

 @9HF8CR2 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

I’m OK with profits driving business decisions to a certain extent but when it is harming the public or our environment, then rules, regulations, requirements, standard and such need to be put in place. It’s kind of like we all have rights but Your rights end where my rights begin. You can make money but you can’t harm us/our environment. Wealthy incorporations have already bent and twisted the rules of capitalism to favor, and Benefits them. They break the system and they’re cheating in a way they shouldn’t be allowed to.

 @9HF83D3 from California answered…6mos6MO

I could not imagine a world that is driven by well being under capitalism because of the pursuit to profit and power. While I would like to believe that under socialism this would be a possibility, no system in history has proven to be perfect and I believe it will be that way for the rest of humanity.


How do you approach conversations with others who might not share your environmental concerns?

 @9HYRDLH from Florida answered…5mos5MO

 @9HYRCWT from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

Socialism is not good, anyone who claims to be a socialist doesnt understand the failures of the implementation of that system.


Can a society thrive without competition, or is competition necessary for innovation and progress?

 @9HLQDHQ from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

A good example would be war 1 war 2 and the space race all brought about great technology advancements which wouldn't have been made without that competition so yes I think it's necessary for innovation but I think society will thrive just fine without competition

 @9HLQ7QD from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

Competition is never necessary for progress. Such thinking is a fallacy, and there is innumerable evidence that disproves it.


How can art and culture influence the way we think about and act towards the environment?

 @9HLRSPD from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

If everybody poured their feelings into art maybe we'd all come to an understanding.


How does the idea of reducing, reusing, and recycling play out in your day-to-day life?

 @9J5F9MG from California answered…5mos5MO

Since I recycle my Bottles, Plastics, and Cans, I frequently recycle my non-waste items when I'm at home, other than that, trash is trash to me.

 @9J5CQWFIndependent from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO


In what ways do you think your lifestyle would be affected if public transport was free for everyone?

 @9KSP2TC from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Everything would be crowded and the income for cars and vehicles would go down because do one would buy them based off the free transport.

 @9KRYXNMWomen’s Equality from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO

If it was free I feel like it can really help people out and make life easier.


Can you think of a local environmental issue that you believe deserves more attention?

 @9HZF2ZG from New York answered…5mos5MO

Global warming as a whole is it destroying our ecosystem and many people believe that it’s just a political scheme or lie


If your favorite product were reimagined to be eco-friendly, what changes do you think would be involved?

 @9LH43HR from Mississippi answered…2mos2MO

my favorite product is mostly hygiene products, i would how ever change the containers/packaging too more eco-friendly material

 @9LH3R3J from Texas answered…2mos2MO


Could you live in a world where your job contributes directly to environmental sustainability?

 @9HLR4KT from New York answered…6mos6MO

Yes, for the environment that you are around is a whole mood set and could change how you act or feel sometimes


What eco-friendly activity or practice have you wanted to try but haven't, and what's been holding you back?

 @9L5Y6X8 from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

 @9L5XMFX from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

I have not been trying to do much, but I do throw some of my plastic in recycling.


If you had the power to change one consumer habit in your community for ecological reasons, what would it be?

 @9JKYQCB from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

That people always have to have an opinion, if you don't agree with someone, don't take time out of your day to criticize them and tell them why they are wrong, just move on. It shouldn't affect you so don't make a big deal about it.

 @9JKXXCTIndependent from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I would like to draw our society from consumerism and collectively invest in houses, clothes, and any other products that are durable and last for many years instead of short periods of time.


In what ways can modern technology contribute to sustainability rather than exacerbate ecological problems?

 @9HM8PZF from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Instead of cutting down energy consumption to support a transition to the creation of things like windmills, which, by the way, are also made of polyester, an oil-derived plastic, which gets thrown out and burned when the windmill eventually breaks, therefore burning more carbon and putting more co2 in the atmosphere, use something like nuclear power, and use a chemical process to physically draw co2 out of the atmosphere nd convert it into o2, basically artificial photosynthesis.

 @9HM8L9C  from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

Instead of cutting down energy consumption to support a transition to the creation of things like windmills, which, by the way, are also made of polyester, an oil-derived plastic, which gets thrown out and burned when the windmill eventually breaks, therefore burning more carbon and putting more co2 in the atmosphere, use something like nuclear power, and use a chemical process to physically draw co2 out of the atmosphere nd convert it into o2, basically artificial photosynthesis.


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