Try the political quiz

266 Replies


Why should or shouldn't national history be a compulsory part of education?

 @9JCMPVK from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

History is how you learn from mistakes others have made.

 @9JCRQCJ from Georgia agreed…4mos4MO

An example is how we learned from the Articles of Confederation, it was a trial and error allowing for the constitution to be a more functional government system.

 @9JCNLC4Independent from California answered…4mos4MO

 @9JCMHG9 from Tennessee answered…4mos4MO

They teach too much of it and it blocks us from learning about other cultures.


Should a government focus on taking care of its people first before helping others in the international community?

 @9HSZH3D from Utah answered…5mos5MO

The government should always worry about the issues that will affect people first.

 @9HSZFL9 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

Yes, we need to take care of our own citizens who are struggling befere we help other people in different countries.

 @9HSZF52 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

Yes, the government of the U.S.A. should be more focused on their own people. Why did Ukraine get millions of U.S. dollars while Hawaii was burning?

 @9HSZG7VRepublican from Utah answered…5mos5MO


What examples of local arts or traditions do you think best represent your nation's commitment to equality?

 @9HV3NVRRepublican from Texas answered…5mos5MO

There is a church that is held under a bridge where I live. It makes church accessible to anyone.

 @9HV47T5 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO


Have you ever felt that your community could be more inclusive, and if so, what steps would you take to improve it?


i feel as if my community is inclusive enough and that we don't really need to change anything that is happening right now

 @9KY8B3H from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO


What actions can individuals take to ensure their nation honors both its traditions and its need for social progress?

 @9JFKTYZ  from South Carolina answered…4mos4MO

Left-wingers need to stop villainizing their fellow Americans, particularly those in the political party. True social progress comes from accepting our differences and trying to argue ONLY about what's best for our country. Too often, emotions, negativity, and ad-hominem attacks infiltrate a political discussion and prevent progress from being made.

 @9JFKNXJ from California answered…4mos4MO

Getting along and talking everything out. People should all be on the same page with everything


In what ways do you believe your country could better support young people to lead in social change?


Schools should be required to educate students on current issues and encourage them to form their own opinons.


What's the most important social issue for your nation to tackle, and how does it relate to maintaining your cultural identity?

 @9J5J4WF from Florida answered…5mos5MO

 @9J5J3TD from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

building the economy so we can support more people. it is not related to my cultural identity.


When have you felt your personal interests align with your nation's priorities, particularly in social issues?

 @9L6XPJB from Florida answered…2mos2MO

What the **** is "Left-Wing Nationalism"? Last I checked, NO "left-wingers" are inherently Nationalist. In fact, many are anti-Nationalist. Is this code for Right-Wing Fascist? Now RIGHT-wingers have an inherence towards Nationalism. See: Trump Supporters' Patriotism, Nazis, White NATIONALISTS, Fascism etc.

 @9KY95R5 from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

When someone brings up someone brings up my ideas and thoughts on a topic that evolved nations priorities.


How can honoring your ancestors' traditions coexist with modern social values?

 @9KGSY5MPeace and Freedom from Florida answered…3mos3MO

By participating in family traditions and being respectful to the culture.

 @9KGSSYG from California answered…3mos3MO

As someone who is working toward their associates degree in anthropology, this type of question fascinates me. I think that it is important for us to hold onto the values and traditions of our ancestors, while also recognizing that some values may be too old-fashioned and bigoted. I believe it is up to us to make progress to a more inclusive world, and pick which parts of our past to carry with us into the future and which to leave behind or change. I believe it is possible for us to synthesize the traditions of our past with the values of the present and the future.


What role does education play in fostering a sense of national belonging that includes diverse perspectives?


Can a sense of national pride coexist with the desire to radically transform societal structures to be more equitable?

 @9H3NBF3Independent from Nebraska answered…7mos7MO

I don't see why not wanting to change your country means you care about the future of your country and want the best for it


What measures do you think are necessary for your country to be a role model in balancing economic growth and sustainability?

 @9L3FC9PDemocrat from California answered…2mos2MO

I think everyone agreeing on what is best for the citizens instead of what is best for politicians.


How can engaging with different cultural perspectives within your nation enrich your personal worldview?

 @9L5V874 from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Engaging with different cultural perspectives within a nation enriches personal understanding, promotes empathy, inspires creativity, builds social harmony, empowers identity, fosters critical thinking, celebrates diversity, encourages inclusive politics, and enhances global awareness.


How can your country's unique culture inform its approach to tackling global challenges?

 @9KFYGND from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

I think the problem is national socialism has never worked (along with any country that has engaged in planned economies).


How would you engage with peers who might have differing views on the importance of preserving national culture while striving for progress?

 @9LGT8QZ from Texas answered…2mos2MO

It has been a significant force in world politics for over two centuries. Left-wing nationalists seek to preserve and foster a nation or a nation-state's cultural identity while promoting social justice, workers' rights, and a welfare state.


Can the concept of 'family' in your culture influence your nation's approach to social issues?


Yes, republicans and conservatives are both very old timey in their ways


Do you feel that preserving your mother tongue helps maintain your cultural identity in a globalized world?

 @9LD66XQ from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

I do believe the preservation of one’s mother tongue aids in maintaining one’s culture identity in a globalized world.


When have you seen youth lead the way in national progress and social change?

 @9KG333L from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

when a studet was shot at our school and we marched with the intent of trying to stop gun violence


How does celebrating your nation's heroes or significant accomplishments tie into your own life experiences?


What personal experiences have shaped your thoughts on balancing community welfare with honoring national heritage?


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