Try the political quiz

269 Replies


Do you think that local governments should have more control over environmental policies in their area?

 @9KPBBSP from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Yes certain states have certain environmental problems, if they are getting out of hand then let them change something for the better.

 @9KPBB3CIndependent from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Yes, because they know what’s around them locally rather than nationally

 @9KPBF7SDemocrat from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Federal guidelines should be established for public safety, including the power to effectively enforce them. Local governments can set higher standards, if they wish; shorter deadlines for conversion to clean energy, regulation of local industry, etc.

 @9KPB9M4 from Kentucky answered…3mos3MO


When choosing where to eat, do you consider the importance of local restaurants; why?

 @9K937D4Democrat from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

Yes because it is where people take time to spend with family which is important for mental health.

 @9K92RT5Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I think it’s important to know about the restaurant before you go to prevent anything that could happen bad to happen with your health.

 @9K8ZRF5from Maine answered…4mos4MO

Yes. Eating at local restaurants puts money in the pocket of their staff, and a lot of times local restaurants source local foods. It further stimulates the economy in small communities.


What does 'support local' mean to you in terms of music, arts, and entertainment?

 @9HZ4QSX from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

Supporting the family-owned businesses around me and showing my support for them.

 @9HZ4KYTIndependent from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

Support local artists by supporting their shows and the venues that host them.

 @9HZ4SRX from New York answered…5mos5MO

Locals should support other locals no matter the business

  @BNB_yee  from California agreed…5mos5MO

Generally speaking, any local product, activity, event, etc. that enriches the community is worth choosing over a non-endemic product, activity, event, etc. for that reason.

 @9HZ4MCL from New York answered…5mos5MO


How would your spending habits change if you only bought from local artisans and producers?

 @9L6JKQJ from California answered…3mos3MO

Maybe they would be cheaper than bigger name brands, plus it could help promote the persons business to gain more customers


 @9L6JGLR from Texas answered…3mos3MO


If you could create any community-led initiative to improve your town, what would it be and why?

 @9JJS6C6Women’s Equality from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

Poverty help. There are so many people below the poverty line who could use help.

 @9JPKPMM from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

So our people are able to live in a space that not only beneficial for them but their kids as well. Leading to a more promising future.

 @9JJR7YB from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

Put spike traps on roads to encourage the decreased use of fossil fuels from car emissions.

 @9JJQLC3 from Massachusetts answered…4mos4MO

More musicians! Various music outreach programs because the arts are one of the most important parts of our society.


Would you prefer buying locally made products even if they cost more, and why?

 @9HT5QX2 from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

For smaller purchases I would say stay local but if you were to go for a bigger list of items I would go to a Walmart of other big franchise to save money. Everything has gotten so expensive you can’t allows help out the local grocery stores cause they have to charge more.

 @9HT79LNJustice party member from Rhode Island answered…5mos5MO

Yes, it would be important to buy products even if they are expensive because if one person likes that one product and it is expensive for them, they should purchase it for their home so they can use that product for their daily needs.

 @9HT5WFX from Utah answered…5mos5MO

As an individual, I would prefer to buy the cheapest option as long as there isn't an extremely considerably difference in quality, taste, and chemical appearances in the products.

 @9HT5PK6 from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

Locally made products are likely better for you and therefore cost more.


How do you picture your community being different if everyone shopped at local markets instead of online?

 @9HZ6KH4 from California answered…5mos5MO

People may connect with each other more while supporting small local businesses.

 @9HZ6ZXG from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

I can see the markets being overcrowed, forcing business to open more stores.

 @9HZ6Q2T from New York answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ3ZV7 answered…5mos5MO

eveyone would be more connected as even just going to the super market will have you interacting with people and makes being less of an internet zombie


Should local communities have more say in educational curricula to reflect regional values and histories?

 @9HCR2H9 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

I think there need to be a consistent curriculum in school. Kids are still developing during their school years, and are easily manipulated. We need to teach them real and useful things and let them make up their mind outside of school.

 @9HCQRP7 from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HCSK2V from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

If the topic is extremely sensitive, or dangerous, the people should be allowed to decide.


What's a project or initiative you'd love to see in your community that could make it a better place?


everyone can help keep our earth clean and help prevent climate change getting worse

 @9HZ7DCC answered…5mos5MO

I would love to see an increase of help and findings of schools, community centers, libraries and other centers to help underprivileged children.

 @9HZ7BGP from California answered…5mos5MO


If you were in charge for a day, what one change would you make in your school to better reflect your community's needs?

 @9HZQXBQ from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

If I will have an opportunity in charge for a day, I want to build a comfortable learning environment , gender quality, the schools spreads a good and positive, additionally, I want to meet all needs where possible

 @9HZ6ZNP from California answered…5mos5MO

 @9HYC75N from California answered…5mos5MO

I would give a better school lunch. I'd do this because some kids don't eat in school due to the garbage food that is given. Thus starving themselves till they get home which is sometimes around 3 or 4.


Have you ever felt that a law or regulation didn't apply well to your area because it was designed for a different place?

 @9HGQBBR  from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

Kind of. I blame my local government for using minimal effort in interpreting them.


What's a unique tradition or event in your community that you think should be shared with the world?


What has living in your particular community taught you about diversity and acceptance?


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