Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @9FLFKTQ from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

Stuff like this has happened before, like the great oil leak of the Gulf of Mexico. This incident has left animals affected for decades.

 @9FJDDRS from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

Rerouting the pipes isn't going to do anything but make more mess. I feel they should cut it off completely and keep our environment healthy.

 @9GJKVRFDemocrat from California agreed…7mos7MO

That's native land that should be protected not only that but it is destroying the environment and on land that is previously protected

 @9FTX45W from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Scientists estimate it will poison almost 80% of Dakota's water and nature/wildlife with the drilling and extraction of the oil underneath. It is also on land they do not own technically but they are doing it anyway because they are selfish and want the money. It is true that it will produce many jobs in oil, but we can make more jobs for things that help the environment instead of killing it.

 @9FRKG39Democrat from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

While many people may go against the Dakota Access Pipeline, it actually is a very successful way of transporting oil.

 @9GNVGQRDemocrat from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

No more pollution should be produced from oil production anywhere in the US especially if it affects Native American tribes.


The Dakota Access Pipeline (or DAPL) was built by Energy Transfer Partners to transport crude oil from the Bakken field in North Dakota to Illinois (

 @9GGM3XHfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

we are quickly ruining our countries resources with development form private companies, there are extreme harmful consiquences to letting buissnesses do anything they want as long as the have the money to fund it.

 @9G7QJLR from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

I frankly do not care or concern myself with this question as it does not pertain to me at this time.

 @9G7R6LZ from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Gas prices are being raised due to our lack of ability to access fuel; finishing the pipeline makes cheaper gas for all

 @9G6ZLQ8Democrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why does the pipeline need to be in native american lands? Surely we have a way to just make it not enter those areas.

 @9G7BK6P from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Progress doesn't happen over-night. We do need to shift our focus on alternative forms of clean energy. This process takes time. Americans are struggling to survive. Today we need jobs, Today we need affordable standards of living, So that tomorrow we can pursue and secure a better future for generations to come.

 @9FSZQYS from California agreed…8mos8MO

I can provide you with some additional context, data, and statistics that support the "Yes" position on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). It's important to note that the pipeline has been a topic of controversy, and there are both arguments in favor of and against its construction. Here are some points that proponents of DAPL have made:

Energy Security: The Dakota Access Pipeline plays a crucial role in enhancing energy security for the United States. It provides a more direct and efficient route to transport crude oil from the Bakken region in North Dakota to refineries in the…  Read more

 @9FJ95YR from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

if someone were to come into your community and take everything you know for there own benift you would be angry

 @9FJ8827 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

If the pipeline is going to effect lands then we should move it somewhere it won’t because it would have the same effect without harming things.

 @9FSNNQK from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

The benefit of oil can significantly impact our economy, and we all can make money and profit from it.

 @9FQ3ZK3 from Louisiana agreed…8mos8MO

No one wants someone to come onto your land that holds cultural significance and potentially destroy it.

 @9FG4W9J from New Mexico disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that we should be able to build just as long as we are careful and respectful of their burial grounds and the waters surrounding the area.


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